陈爱梅 Tan Ai Boay  

陈爱梅 师(Associate Prof. Dr. Tan Ai Boay 








马来西亚华人历史研究、中国近代史、中国通史、对外汉语、Confucianism and Modern Society



电话  +605-4688888   Ext. 4207   


English Version






1. 陈爱梅和杜主全(主编),《南洋华踪:马来西亚霹雳怡保岩洞庙宇史录与传说》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2017年。

Tan Ai Boay and Toh Teong Chuan(eds), Trails of the Nanyang Chinese: History and Legends of the Cave Temples in Ipoh of Malaysia, Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2017. (ISBN: 978-7-3203-0625-6)


期刊论文(Journal Article)

1. 陈爱梅,〈好女人坏女人?马来西亚 A 村华人女性对中国女性的观感〉《台湾东南亚学刊》,172期,202210月,第141—152页。

Tan Ai Boay, “ ‘Good Women’ and Bad Women’ ? Perception ofLocal Chinese Women towards Chinese Women from China in a Village of Penang, Malaysia”, Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 17, No.2, October 2022, pp. 141—152.


2. 连慧茵、陈爱梅,〈马来西亚巴里文打潮州社会与拿督公信仰〉《台湾东南亚学刊》,171期,20224月,41—68页。

Heah Huey Iang, Tan Ai Boay, “The Local Deity Worship and Teochew Community: The Study of Datuk Kong Belief in Parit Buntar of Malaysia”, Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 17, No.1, April 2022, pp. 41—68.


3. Tan Ai Boay, “The Arts and Historical Remains In The Cave Temples In Ipoh, Malaysia” , International Heritage, Arts and Multimedia, Volume: 4 Issues: 15, December, 2021. Pp. 14—32.


4. 徐美庄,陈爱梅,〈李丰楙:《从圣教到道教——马华社会的节俗、信仰与文化》〉《哲学与文化月刊》,4812期,202112月,第87—90页。(AHCI)

Mei Chong SOO, Ai Boay TAN, “Book Review: Fong-Mao Lee: Transforming “Sacred Religion” into Daoism: Festival, Belief, and Culture in the Chinese Society of Malaysia”, Universitas-Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture. Vol. 48, Issue 12 Dec 2021, pp. 87—90. (AHCI)


5. 陈爱梅、杜忠全,〈番神唐化马来西亚拿督公信仰〉《台北大学中文学报》,30期,1109月,第601--634页。(THCI)

Tan Ai Boay, Toh Teong Chuan, “Sinicization of Foreign God--The Study of Datuk Kong Belief in Malaysia”, Journal of Chinese Language and Literature of National Taipei University, Issue. 30, September 2021, pp. 601—634. (THCI)


6.  张敏楹,陈爱梅,〈从马来西亚雪兰莪保良局谈英殖民时期女性的保护(1899—1941)〉《 华侨华人文献学刊》(8)2021

Cheong Man Ying, Tan Ai Boay, " The Study of Women Protection during British Colonial Period through Pok Leung Kok of Selangor (1899—1941),  Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas StudiesVol. 8, 2021.


7. 陈爱梅,〈浅析马来西亚唐、番拿督公信仰的史料与传说〉《八桂侨刊》,2018年第4期,第1523页。

Tan Ai Boay, “Preliminary Study of History and Legends of Chinese and Foreigner Datuk Gong in Malaysia”, Overseas Chinese Journal of Bagui, Issue. 4, 2018, pp. 15—23.


8. 陈爱梅和孙源智,〈福州寺院的南洋印记福州佛教与马来亚华人社会关系探析〉《华侨华人文献学刊》(第六辑)20183月,第1523页。

Tan Ai Boay and Sun Yuanshi, “Trails of the Nanyang in Fuzhou’s Temples – The Study of the Relationship between Buddhism in Fuzhou and Chinese Society in Malaya”, in Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies, Vol. 6, March 2018, pp. 91—122.


9. 陈爱梅,〈马来西亚福佬人和客家人的关系探析:以槟城美湖水长华人义山墓碑为考察中心〉《全球客家研究》,No. 9, 201711月,第183-206页。

Ai Boay TAN, “The Relationship between Hoklo and Hakka in Malaysia: A Study of Tombstones in Gertak Sanggul and Tanjong Asam Chinese Cemeteries in Penang”,  Global Hakka Studies, No. 9, Nov 2017, pp. 183—206.


10. 陈爱梅,〈客家的建构和想象--以马来西亚槟城大伯公信仰和海陆丰社群为例〉《华侨华人文献学刊》(第四辑),20173月,第133-149页。

Tan Ai Boay, “Rethinking of Hakka Study – The Cases Study of Tek Peh kong and Hailufeng Community in Penang, Malaysia”, Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies (Vol. 4), March 2017, pp. 133—149. 


11. Danny Wong Tze Ken & Tan Ai Boay. “Between Malaya and China: Homeland for the Chinese in Malaysia as seen from Two Lives”. Universitas-Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, 2017, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 5-24. (AHCI)


12. 宋燕鹏、陈爱梅,〈1882年前后中国内地有关北婆罗洲的叙述以《申报》为中心〉,《南京政治学院学报》,2016年第5期,第32卷(总第189期),20169月,第84—89页。(中文核心期刊要目总览)

SONG Yanpeng, TAN Ai Boay, “The Narrative of North Borneo in Mainland China in 1882—the study of Shenbao”, Journal of Pla Nanjing Institute of Politics, 2016 Vol. 5 (Total Vol. 189), pp. 84—89. (Core Chinese Periodicals).


13. 陈爱梅、严家建,〈马来西亚华人宗教素食观之宗教教育意义与实践〉《哲学与文化》,505期,20166月,第137-152页。(AHCI)

Ai Boay TAN, Kah Kean YAM, “The Religious Education Meanings and Practices on Chinese Religious Vegetarian in Malaysia”, Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Issue. 505, June 2016, pp. 137-152. ( AHCI).


14. 宋燕鹏,陈爱梅,〈19世纪后期中国内地有关星马的知识来源——以《申报》为例〉《南京政治学院学报》,2016年第1期,第93101页。(中文核心期刊要目总览)

SONG Yanpeng, TAN Ai Boay, “The Knowledge Sources of Singapore and Malaya in Mainland China in the end of 19th century—the study of Shenbao”, Journal of Pla Nanjing Institute of Politics, 2016, Issue. 1, pp. 93—101. (Core Chinese Periodicals)


15. TAN Ai Boay, "Penang: Rites of Belongings in a Malaysian Chinese Community, by Jean Elizabeth Debernardi; Hokkien Nursery Rhymes in Old Penang, complied by Toh Teong Chuan" (Book Review), Malaysian Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 4, 2015, No. 1, pp. 69 -- 72.


16. 陈爱梅,〈马来西亚华人史:权威、社群和信仰〉(书评)《马来西亚人文与社会科学学报》,20152期,第四卷,第7173页。

TAN Ai Boay, “A History of Chinese in Malaysia: Power, Community and Religion” (Book Review), Malaysian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015, Issue 2, Nov. 4, pp. 71—73.


17. 陈爱梅,〈被遗忘的工作女性--经济大萧修时期的马来亚霹雳州客家琉琅女性(1929-1933)〉《华侨华人历史研究》,20156月,第2期,第5666页。(中文核心期刊要目总览)

TAN Ai Boay, “Forgotten Women Workers -- The Hakka Dulang Washers in Perak, Malaya during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933”, Overseas Chinese History Studies, 2015, Issue. 2, pp. 56—66. (Core Chinese Periodicals)


18. 陈爱梅,〈谁是佛教徒?佛教徒是谁?马来西亚佛教信仰探析〉《世界宗教文化》,2015年第2期,第7076页。(中文核心期刊要目总览)

TAN Ai Boay, “Who is the Buddhist? The Preliminary Study of Buddhist Faith among the Malaysian Chinese,” The World Religious Cultures, 2015, Issue. 2, pp. 70-76. (Core Chinese Periodicals)


19. 陈爱梅,〈英属马来亚二战前华人社会运动类型──以霹雳州为例〉《南洋问题研究》,2014年,第3期,第6174页。(CSSCI)

TAN Ai Boay, “The Pattern of Social Movements of the Chinese in British Malaya Before World War Two-Case Study in Perak”, in Southeast Asian Affairs, 2014 (3), pp. 61--74.(CSSCI)


20. 陈爱梅,〈二战前华人政治参与模式以霹雳州之郑螺生、许武安、郑大平和梁燊南为例〉《马来西亚华人研究学刊》,第十六期,2013年(2014年出版),第105-128页。

TAN Ai Boay, “The Politic Participation Pattern of the Chinese before World War Two: The Cases studies of Tey Lay Seng, Khaw Boo Aun, Chung Thye Phin and Leong Sin Nam in Perak”, in Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, Vol. 16, 2014, pp.105-128.


21. 陈爱梅,〈霹雳州近打县百年观音庙及当代观音信仰调查〉《亚洲文化》,2013年,第37期,第111126页。 

TAN Ai Boay, “The Study of Hundred Years of Guan Yin Temples and. Contemporary Guan Yin Belief in Kinta District, Perak”, in Asian Culture, No. 37, 2013, pp. 111-126.


22. 陈爱梅,〈传承与在地化镜盦长老传〉《世界宗教学刊》,2012年,第18期,第77128页。

TAN Ai Boay, “Succession and Localization—Biography of Reverend Jin An”, in Journal of World Religion, Issue. 18, pp. 77-128.


23. 陈爱梅,〈经济大萧条时期霹雳的社会及矿场华工状况,1929—1933〉,《马来西亚华人研究期刊》,2006年,第九期,第1933页。

TAN Ai Boay,“The Condition of Perak Chinese Society and Tin Mine Labourers during the Economic Depression, 1929—1933.” In Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, Volume 9, pp. 19-33.


专书论文(Book Chapter)


1.陈爱梅,〈梁燊南与《马华日报》的创办与停刊〉,张维安主编,《客家与周边族群关係》,新竹:国立阳明交通大学出版社,2022,(ISBN: 978985470456)

Tan Ai Boay, “Leong Sin Nam and the Founded and Stop Publication of Mahua Ribao", edited by Wei-an Chang, The Relation of Hakka and Its Surrounding Ethnic”, Hsinchu: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press, 2022


2.Tan Ai Boay, “Transition of Chinese Identity before World War Two: The Study of Chung Keng Kwee and Chung Thye Phin”, edited by Mohd Samsudin,   Malaysia Dalam Jendela Masa, Kuala Lumpur: Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, 2022. (ISBN: 978-967-26355-3-6)

3. 陈爱梅,〈从庙宇和义山窥探端洛华人史〉,杜忠全主编,《端洛话今昔:端洛、布先、华都牙也等近打矿区的故事》,怡保:霹雳州非伊斯兰事务局,2020, 1225

(ISBN: 978-967-17953-0-7)

Tan Ai Boay, “The Study of Chinese History in Tronoh through Temples and Cemetery”, edited by Toh Teong Chuan, The Past and Present of Tronoh: Stories from Tronoh, Pusing and Batu Gajah, Ipoh: Perak Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam, 2020, pp. 12—25 .


4. 吴益婷、陈爱梅,〈马来西亚佛教与基督教的发展〉,陈美萍主编,《当代马来西亚:社会与教育》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心, 202012月,第205216页。 (ISBN: 978-983-3908-48-6).

Ngu Ik Tien, Tan Ai Boay, “The Development of Buddhism and Christian in Malaysia,” edited by Tan Bee Piang, Contemporary Malaysia: Society and Education, Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysia Chinese Studies, Dec 2020, pp. 205--216


5. 陈爱梅,〈释镜盦〉,柯金德、林德顺主编,《马来西亚兴化群贤录》,吉隆坡:马来西亚兴安会馆总会,2019年,第482—487页。(ISBN:978-967-13553-1-2)


6. 陈爱梅、杜忠全,〈试论马台佛教关系(1992—2017),张晓威、张锦忠主编,《华语系与南洋书写:台湾与星马华文文学及文化论集》,2018年,第213—231(ISBN:978-957-678-660-0)


7. 陈爱梅,〈孙中山为霹雳华社留下的历史遗产刍议〉,莫顺宗主编,《孙中山在海外》,雪兰莪:马来西亚华总东南亚华人研究中心,2017年,第148—165页。(ISBN: 978-983-9521-16-0)

Tan Ai Boay, “The Discussion the historical remains of Sun Yat Sen in Perak”, edited my Mok Soon Chong, Sun Yat-Sen’Sojourn Abroad, Selangor: The Federation of Chinese Association Malaysia,2017, pp. 148—165)


8. 陈爱梅,〈有无名实?──北婆罗州华人对1936/37年侨选国大的回应〉,郑一省主编,《婆罗州华人研究》,广州:世界图书出版公司,2017年,第65—76页。(ISBN: 978-751-92-3092-0)

Tan Ai Boay, “The response of the Chinese in North Borneo to the Overseas Chinese Election in 1936/36”, edited by Zheng Yi, The Study of Borneo Chinese, Guangzhong: World Publishing Corporation, 2017, pp. 65—76.


9. 陈爱梅,〈庙宇、神明和乩童-马来西亚槟城美湖华人传统仰的传承与转变〉,郑筱筠主编,《东南亚宗教研究报告:东南亚宗教的转型与创新》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,201610月,第392-409页。(ISBN:978-751-61-9201-6)

Tan Ai Boay, “Temples, gods and spirit mediums – The inheritance and transformation of Chinese traditional believe in Gertak Sanggul, Penang, Malaysia”, edited by Zheng Xiaoyun, The Report of Southeast Asian Religion: Southeastern Asian Religion in the Era of Transformation, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, Oct 2016, pp. 392-409.


10. Loh Wei Leng, Tan Ai Boay,“Rosemary Chong”. In Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese, edited by Leo Suryadinata, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,2002, p. 161. (ISBN: 978-981-4345-21-7)


11. 陈爱梅,〈佛教与民间信仰──分道与交汇初探〉,《粘合与张力:当代马来西亚华人的族群内关系》。郑文泉和傅向虹编。雪兰莪:新纪元学院马来西亚族群中心,2009,第225242页。(ISBN:9833527272)

Tan Ai Boay,“Buddhism and Chinese Folk Religion – A Preliminary Study of their Harmonisation   and Conflict.” In Intra-ethnic Relations among Chinese in Contemporary Malaysia, edited by Tee Boon Chuan and Por Heong Hong. Kajang, Selangor: Malaysia Centre for Ethnic Studies, New Era College, 2009, pp.225 - 242.


12. Tan Ai Boay“Gender Roles and Nation-building: The Social and Economic Transformation of Chinese Women.” In Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years after (Vol. 1), edited by Voon Phin Keong. Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2007, pp. 339 – 368. (ISBN: 9833908020)


会议论文(Conference Proceeding)

1. 陈爱梅,雷博,〈马来西亚槟城堂号现状概述--以河南省堂号为例〉,周延涛等主编,《河南砂拉越大河文化论坛论文集》,砂拉越: 马来西亚砂拉越科技大学孔子学院,2022(978-629-96710-0-8)

Tan Ai Boay, Lei Bo,  “An Introduction to Surname Emblems (tanghao) in Present-Day Penang: The Case of Surname Emblems from Henan Province”, edited by Zhou Yantao et. Al, The Proceeding of the First Henan-Sarawak Great River Culture Conference, 2022.


2. 陈爱梅,〈纳闽华人庙宇概述〉 ,陈琮渊主编,《婆罗洲作为方法:第三届婆罗洲华人国际学术研讨会论文集》,诗巫:砂拉越华族文化协会 20218月。(ISBN 978-983-9360-76-9)

Tan Ai Boay, “The Preliminary Survey of Chinese Temples in Labuan”, edited by Chen Tsung-Yuan, Borneo as Method: Collected Papers of The Third International Conference on Borneo Chinese Studies. Sibu: Sarawak Chinese Cultural Association August 2021. (ISBN 978-983-9360-76-9)


3. 陈爱梅,〈二战前英属马来亚的社团注册:以霹雳、雪兰莪和吉隆坡的宗亲会馆和慈善组织为例 〉,詹缘端、范若兰主编:《比较视野下的东南亚华人研究:2018年第四届马来西亚华人研究国际双年会论文集》, 吉隆玻:华社研究中心,2020 (ISBN: 978-983-3908-46-2).

Tan Ai Boay, “The Registered Societies in Malaya before World War Two the Studies of Clan and Philanthropist Association in Perak, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur.” Chinese Studies in Southeast Asia from a Comparative Perspective: 2018 4th Malaysian Chinese Studies Biennial International Conference, edited by Chiam Yan Tuan and Fan Ruolan. Kuala Lumpur: Center for Malaysia Chinese Studies, 2020. (ISBN: 978-983-3908-46-2).


4. Tan Ai Boay, Transition of Chinese Identity before World War Two: The Study of Chung Keng Kwee and Chung Thye Phin, Kongress Sejarah Malaysia III, Wisma Sejarah, KL, 28-29 August 2018 (ISBN: 978-967-2224-05-1).


5. 陈爱梅,杜忠全,〈马来西亚佛教的发展与金门关系初探〉,陈益源主编,《2016金门学国际学术研讨会论文集》,金门县文化局、台南国立成功大学人文社会科学中心出版,2017, 145—154(ISBN978-986-05-2914-2).

Tan Ai Boay and Toh Teong Chuan, “Preliminary study of the relations between Buddhism in Malaysia and Quemoy.” Conference Proceeding on International Conference on Quemoy Studies, edited by Yi-Yuan Chen,  2017, pp. 145—154. (ISBN978-986-05-2914-2).


6.  陈爱梅,〈人类学实验场的历史研究:以槟城美湖海陆丰人研究为例(1900~1970)〉,庄华兴等编,《变迁中的马来西亚与华人社会—2014第二届马来西亚华人研究国际双年会论文集:社会与政治卷》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心,201511月,第91—112页。(ISBN: 978-983-3908-35-6)

Tan Ai Boay, “The study of Hailufeng in Gertak Sanggul, 1900~1970”, Chong Fah Hing, et. al., Malaysia and the Chinese Community in Transition – Selected Papers on the Second Biennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2014 (Social and Politics), Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, Nov 2015, pp. 91—112.


1.陈爱梅,〈 马来【西】亚客家人神明成神之异同〉,主题演讲于「2023群客滙、惊艳南台学术研讨会」(视讯会议),主办:国立高雄师范大学与台南市政府客家事务委员会,202317日。


2.陈爱梅,〈 马来西亚怡保岩洞庙宇的观音信仰〉,发表于「观音信仰及其合祀神衹国际学术研讨会」(视讯会议),主办单位:财团法人台南市台疆祖庙大观音亭暨祀典兴济宫、国立成功大学人文社会科学中心、国立金门大学人文社会学院,20221216日。


3.陈爱梅,〈 从槟城美湖妙音堂的杨善祥斋姑谈其宗教身份属性〉,发表于「在世贤者──宗教典范人物学术研讨会」(视讯会议),主办单位:台湾宗教学会;承办单位:真理大学宗教文化与资讯管理学系,20221021日。




5.陈爱梅,〈 马来西亚拿督公信仰与甘文烟香文化〉,发表于「跨地域物质相遇:香文化国际学术讲座」(视讯会议),主办:承香楼中华研究中心、香港树仁大学历史学;协办:香港香文化研究会、香港注册导游协会以及拉曼大学中华研究院,2022429日。


6.陈爱梅,〈 马来西亚九皇信仰与素食〉,发表于「马来西亚道教与民间信仰研讨会」(视讯会议),主催:霹雳州政府社会融合与强化局;主办:拉曼大学中华研究院及拉曼大学中华研究中心马来西亚华人与文化研究组,2022220日。


7.陈爱梅,〈 马来西亚被客家化的海陆丰任〉,发表于「汕头大学第八届全球本土的潮汕文化研讨会:马来西亚潮人社会文化會」(视讯会议),汕头大学文学院全球研究中心、汕头大学文学院妇女研究中心主办,由汕头大学文学院宗教文化研究中心、汕头大学图书馆特色文献部、汕头市华侨历史学会协办,20211225日至26日。


8.陈爱梅,〈 槟城美湖的百年疫情回顾及当代抗疫〉,发表于「2021年世界海外华人研究学会亚太区域研讨会」(视讯会议),世界海外华人研究学会(ISSCO)、台湾师范大学、中山大学、马来亚大学中文系和马来亚大学马来西亚华人研究中心联合主办,20211245日。


9.陈爱梅,〈 出家或在家?槟城美湖妙音堂的客家斋姑〉,发表于「全球客家研究联盟首届国际双年学术研讨会」(视讯会议),全球客家研究联盟,中央大学客家学院联合主办,20211167日。




11.Tan Ai Boay, “The Study of Pandemic 1918 in Malaya through Chinese Newspapers and Oral.” Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH 2021), virtual conference, organised by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) in collaboration with

Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) and Universiti Teknologi MARA, (Malaysia), 21st to 22nd September 2021.


12. Tan Ai Boay, “The Arts and Historical Remains in the Cave Temples in Ipoh, Malaysia”. Paper presented at The 8th International Seminar on Nusantara Heritage (ISoNH) 2021 (Virtual conference), organised by Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA), 1st to 2nd September 2021.




14.Tan Ai Boay, “Neither Laywoman Nor Nun: The Vegetarian Woman of Miao Ing Temple.” Paper presented at Association For Asian Studies Annual Conference 2021, virtual Conference, organised by Association For Asian Studies , 25th Mar 2021.




16. 陈爱梅,〈拿督公碑铭的生命史》〉,发表于「史料与田野调查:拿督公研究研讨会」,拉曼大学中华研究院和中华研究中心马来西亚华人及文化研究组联合主办,金宝:拉曼大学,20191123日。


17. 陈爱梅,〈二战前雪兰莪注册庙宇〉,发表于「第三届华人宗教学术研讨会」,双溪龙:拉曼大学,2019823日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Registered Temples in Selangor Before Word War Two.” Paper presented in The 3rd Conference on the Chinese Religious, organized by ICS, UTAR, Sungai Long: UTAR, 23rd Aug 2019.


18. Tan Ai Boay, “A Study of Chinese Epigraphical Materials in the Cave Temples of Ipoh, Perak” Paper presented in the Workshop on Chinese Temple in Southeast Asia, Singapore: NUS, 28th Feb – 1st Mar 2019.


19. Tan Ai Boay, “Good Women” and “Bad Women” – Impression of Local Chinese Women towards Chinese women from China in Gertak Sanggul, Penang, Malaysia”. Paper presented at 2018 International Symposium on Transnational Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies: International Migration Research from a Gendered Vantage Point, Jiangmen Citi: Wuji University, 8th to 9th Dec 2018.


20. Tan Ai Boay, “Transition of Chinese Identity before World War Two: The Study of Chung Keng Kwee and Chung Thye Phin.” Paper presented in Kongress Sejarah Malaysia III, organised by Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Anjung Wisma Sejarah, 28th to 29th August 2018.


21. Tan Ai Boay, “The Study of Legends of Datoh Gong Belief in Malaysia.” Paper presented in IUAES: World (of) Encounters: The Past and Future of Anthropology Knowledge, organised by IUAES and Federal University of Santa Catarima, Florianpolis, Brazil, 16th to 20th July 2018.


22.Tan Ai Boay, “The Chinese Elements of Datoh Gong Belief in Malaysia.” Paper presented in AAS-in Asia, organised by AAS and Asoka University, New Dehli, India, 6th to 7th July 2018.


23. 陈爱梅,〈〈马来西亚海陆丰社群调查〉,发表于「第17届世语言历史跨领域研究工作坊界」,新竹:交通大学,2018519日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The Survey of Hailufeng Community in Malaysia.” Paper presented at The 17th Workshop of Multiple-Disciplione Study of Linguistics, Geography and History”, Hsinchu: National Chiao Tung University, 19th May 2018.


24. 陈爱梅,〈马来西亚槟城当地华人对西南区填海计划的反应〉,发表于「世界海外华人研究会」,长崎:长崎大学,2017111819日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The Response of Local Chinese to Land Reclamation Project in Penang, Malaysia.” Paper presented at 2017 ISSCO regional Conference of the International Society of the Study of Chinese Overseas”, Nagasaki: University of Nagasaki, 18th to 19th Nov 2017.


25. 陈爱梅和杜忠全在,《马台佛教关系概述(1992--2017)》,发表于「华语语系与南洋书写:台湾、马华、新华文学与文化国际学术研讨会」,由汉学研究中心和拉曼大学中华研究院主办,20171126日,马来西亚拉曼大学(双溪龙校区)。

Tan Ai Boay and Toh Teong Chuan,  “The Introduction of Malaysia and Taiwan Buddhist Relations.” Paper presented at International Conference on Sinophone and Writing Southeast Asia: Literary and Cultural Representations from Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore.” Organised by Centre for Chinese Studies and Institute of Chinese Studies (UTAR), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman  (Sungai Long Campus), 26th Nov 2017.


26. 陈爱梅,〈浅析马来西亚唐、番拿督公信仰〉,发表于「第三届海外华人与中国侨乡文化国际研讨会」,广西民族大学举办,广西:防城港,20171024日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Preliminary Research of Chinese and Foreigner Datuk Gong Belief in Malaysia.” Paper presented at 3rd International Seminar on Overseas and the Culture of Overseas Chinese Hometown in China. Organised by Guangxi University for Nationalities, Guangxi: Fangchenggang City, 24th October 2017.


27. 陈爱梅,〈纳闽华人庙宇概述〉,发表于「第三届婆罗洲华人国际学术研讨会」,砂拉越华族文化协会、广州暨南大学华侨华人研究院及砂拉越科技大学主办,诗巫:砂拉越科技大学,2017719日至20日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Preliminary Study of Chinese Temples in Labuan.” Paper presented at 3rd International Conference of Borneo Chinese Studies. Sibu: University College of Technology Sarawa, 19th to 20th July 2017.


28. 陈爱梅,〈谁的子民?二战前英属马来亚、北婆罗州和砂劳越华人的公民权〉,发表于「马来(西)亚、新加坡华人研究:历史、文化、政治学术工作坊」,北京大学华侨华人研究中心暨马来亚大学华人研究中心联合主办北京大学华侨华人研究中心暨马来亚大学马来西亚华人研究中心联合主办,北京:北京大学,20161245日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Whose citizen? Citizenship of Chinese in British Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak before World War Two.” Paper presented at International Conference on the Study of Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore: History, Politics and Culture, Jointly Organised by the Center for the Study of Chinese Overseas, Peking University and Malaysian Chinese Research Centre, University of Malaya, Beijing: Peking University, 4th to 5th Dec 2016.


29. 陈爱梅和杜忠全,〈马来西亚佛教的发展与金门关系初探〉,发表「于金门国际学术研讨会」,金门县政府、国立成功人学人文社会科学中心、拉曼大学中华研究院和雪兰义金门会馆等联合主办,雪兰义:拉曼大学(双溪龙校区),2016112627日。

Tan Ai Boay and Toh Teong Chuan, “The Preliminary Study of the relation between Malaysia Buddhism and Quemoy”International Conference on Quemoy Studies, Selangor: UTAR (Sg Long Campus), 6th to 27th Nov 2016.


30. 陈爱梅,〈马来西亚霹雳怡保岩洞庙宇二战前的历史文物调查〉,发表于「首届华人宗教国际学术研讨会」,华侨大学举办,厦门:华侨大学,2016103031日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The historical relics of Chinese Caves’ Temples in Ipoh, Perak before World War Two”. Paper presented at “The First International Conference of Chinese Religion.”Organised by Xiamen University, 30th to 31st October 2016.


31. 陈爱梅,〈试论英政府与霹雳州华人州议员的遴选以黄务美为例〉,发表于「霹雳州百年著名锡矿家(1848—1957)」国际学术研讨会」,近打锡矿工业(石泵)博物馆等主办,金宝大酒占,20161022日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The Selective of Chinese members of Perak State Council – the study of Ng Boo Bee”. Paper presented at International Conference of Perak Prominent Pioneers in Tin Mining Industry (1840—1957), organised by Kinta Tin Mining (Gravel Pump) Museum, Grand Kampar Hotel, 22nd Oct 2016.


32. 陈爱梅,〈孙中山为霹雳华社留下的历史遗产刍议〉,发表于「孙中山在海外国际研讨会」,马来西亚中华大会堂(华总)东南亚华人研究中心主办,加央新纪元学院,2016101516日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The Discussion of the Historical Relics of Sun Yat Sen in Perak.” Paper presented at “International Conference on Sun Yat Sen at Overseas, organised by Centre of Southeast Asian Studies in The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia, Kajang: New Era College, 15th– 16th Oct 2016.


33. 陈爱梅,〈有名无实?——北婆罗州华人对1936/37年选侨国大的回应〉,发表于「第二届婆罗洲华人国际学术研讨会」,砂拉越华族文化协会和广西民族大学联合主办,南宁巿:广西民族大学,201672224日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The response of the Chinese in North Borneo to the Overseas Chinese Election in 1936/36.”Paper presented on The 2nd International Seminar on Overseas Chinese the Borneo, organized by Sarawak Chinese Culture Association and Guangxi University for Nationalities, 22nd– 24th July 2016.


34. 陈爱梅,〈孙中山与二战前霹雳华人社会〉,发表于「孙中山与南洋华人国际研讨会」,拉曼大学中华研究中山(当代中国组)主办,台北国立国父纪念馆协办,拉曼大学(双溪龙校区),2016611日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Sun Yat Sen and Chinese Society in Perak before World War Two.” Paper presented at “International Seminar on Dr Sun Yat Sen and Nanyang Chinese”, organised by The Contemporary China Studies Unit, Centre for Chinese Studies, co-organised by National Dr Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, UTAR (Sungai Long Campus), 11th June 2016.


35. Tan Ai Boay, ““Unforgotten identity: The study of Chinese cemetery in Gertak Sanggul, Penang, Malaysia.” Paper presented at 21016 The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science (IUAES) Inter Congress--World Anthropologies and Privatization of Knowledge: Engaging Anthropologic in Public, organised by IUAES, Dubrovnik, Croatia:Hotel Dubrovnik Palace, 4th – 9th May 2016.


36. 陈爱梅,〈反思槟城的客家研究-以大伯公信仰和海陆丰社群为例〉,发表于「社会创新与设计交通大学人文与社会科学研究中心」,主办单位:交通大学人文与社会科学研究中心,新竹:交通大学竹北校区客家学院,20151114日。


37. 陈爱梅,〈庙宇、神明和乩童──马来西亚槟城美湖华人传统信仰的传承与转变〉,发表于「中国社会科学院宗教所第四届东南亚高端论坛  」,主办单位:中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所,北京:北京展览馆宾馆,20151024--25日。


38. Tan Ai Boay, Malay and Burmese Minorities in Chinese Predominantly Fishing Village, IUAES Inter-Congress 2015 Re-imagining Anthropological and Sociological Boundaries, Bangkok: Thammasat University, 15-17 July 2015.


39. 陈爱梅,〈反思客家--马来西亚的海陆丰社群〉,发表于「2015年台湾的东南亚区域研究年度研讨会」,主办单位:台湾,国立清华大学人文社会研究中心和中央研究院人社中心亚太区域研究专题中心,台湾新竹:清华大学,201561112日。


40. 陈爱梅,〈汉传佛教与其他华人宗教的素食观异同浅析──以中、北马为研究〉,发表于「第四届世界居士佛教论坛会」,主办单位:古晋佛教居士林,古晋:帝宫大酒店,2014126 7日。

Tan Ai Boay, “The Similarity and differential Concept of Vegetarian among Chinese Buddhist and OtherChinese Religions – The Study in Middle and Northern Part of Peninsula Malaysia”. Paperpresented at 4th World Buddhist Forum, organised by Kuching Buddhist Society, Kuching,Imperial Hotel,6th - 7th December 2014.


41. 陈爱梅,〈西马的海陆丰社群研究──以槟城美湖为例〉,发表于「马来西亚华人研究回顾与再探」学术研讨会,主办单位:新纪元学院,20141189日。

 Tan Ai Boay,“The Study of Hailufeng Community in West Malaysia – The Case Study of Gertak Sanggul,Penang.”Paper presented at “Exploring and Revisiting Issues in Malaysian Chinese Research”,organised by New Era College, Kajang: New Era College, 8th - 9th November 2014.


42. 陈爱梅,〈移植与变异?从华南沿海到槟榔屿渔村〉,发表于「中国历史上的区域与社会」国际研讨会,主办单位:中国社会科学出版社,北京:首教师范大学,2014112830日。

 Tan Ai Boay, “Transformation and Changing—From the Coastal Areas of South China to the Fishing VillageOf Penang.”Paper presented at International Conference of Regional and Society in ChineseHistory,organized by China Social Sciences Press, Beijing: Capital Normal University,28th –30thNovember 2014.


43. 陈爱梅,〈谁是佛教徒?佛教徒是谁?—大马华人佛教信仰浅析〉,发表于「2014年佛教当代关怀研究会」,主办单位:马来西亚佛教青年总会,吉隆坡:孝恩馆,201482324日。

 Tan Ai Boay, “Preliminary Study of Chinese Buddhist in Malaysia.”Paper presented at 2014 ContemporaryBuddhist Seminar, KL: Xiao En Memorial Hall, 23rd ~ 24th August 2014.  


44. 陈爱梅,〈人类学实验场的历史研究:以槟城美湖海陆人研究为例(1900~1970)〉,发表于「2014年第二届马来西亚华人研究国际双年会」,主办单位:华社研究中心,吉隆坡:精英大学理工与艺术学院,201461920日。

 Tan Ai Boay, “The Study of Hailufeng in Gertak Sanggul, Penang (1900~1970).” Paper presented at “TheSecondBiennial International Conference on Malaysian Chinese Studies 2014, organised byCentre For MalaysianChinese Studies,   KL: Help University, 19th ~20th June 2014.


45. Tan Ai Boay, “Forgotten Working Females: Chinese Dulang Washers in Malaya before World War Two.”Paper presented at International Forum of“Gender, Migration and State”, organised by PekingUniversity,Beijing: Department of History, Peking University, 4th ~ 5th June 2014.


46. Tan Ai Boay,“Preliminary Analysis of the Chinese Scholars Involved in the Study of Malaysian Chinese History.” Paper presented at “Persidangan Antarabangsa Pengajian Melayu 2014 Hubungan Malaysia—China”, organised by The Chinese People’s Association for Frendship with Foreign CountriesBeijing Foreign Studies University, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Malaysia and Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University, 28th – 30th May 2014.


47. 陈爱梅,〈镜盦法师与马来西亚佛教〉,发表于「2014人本佛教学术论坛」,主办单位:东方凈苑养淳佛学院,南投:南投县政府礼堂,2014445日。
Tan Ai Boay, “Rev. Jin An and Buddhism in Malaysia.”Paper presented at 2014 Buddhist Conference, organized by Yang Chun Buddhist Association, (Taiwan)Nantau: Nantau City Hall, 4th- 5th April 2014.


48. Tan Ai Boay, “The Chinese Citizenship in British Malaya before World War Two.”Paper presented in The International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO) 8, organized by UTAR and ISSCO, Kuala Lumpur: 17—19th August 2013.


49. Tan Ai Boay, “Striding two communities: Hiak Swee Lee and Khaw Boo Aun in Penang and Perak.” Paper presented at 22nd International Association of Historians of Asia, Surakarta, Indonesia, 2-5 July 2012.


50. 陈爱梅,〈二战前霹雳华人政治参与以郑螺生、梁燊南、许武安和郑大平为例〉,发表于「第一届马来西亚华人研究双年会」,主办单位:华研研究中心,20126910日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Politic Participation Pattern of Chinese Leaders in Perak Before World War Two – Tey Lay Seng, Leong Sin Nam, Khaw Boo Aun and Chung Thye Phin.” Paper presented at The First Inaugural Biennial Conference on Malaysia Chinese Studies, organised by Center for Malaysia Chinese Studies 9-10 June 2012.


51. 陈爱梅,〈英属马来亚二战前华人社会运动史──以霹雳州为例〉,论文发表于「2012台湾的东南亚区域研究年度研讨会」,国立暨南国际大学东南亚研究所暨东南亚研究中心与中央研究院亚太区域专题研究中心联合主办,国立暨南国际大学,2012427-28日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Social Movement in British Malaya Before World War Two – Case study of Perak.” Paper presented at Annual Conference of South East Studies in Taiwan, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Chi Nan University, Taiwan. 27 -28 April 2012.


52. Tan Ai Boay, “Chinese Inscriptions in Kinta Valley, Perak, Malaysia before World War II.” Paper presented at International Workshop on Epigraphy of Southeast Asia, organised by Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Malaysia and Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient .In cooperation with the Embassy of France in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 November, 2011.


53. Tan Ai Boay,“In search of Chinese Communal Spirit: Guan Yin Belief in Kinta Valley, Perak, Malaya.” Paper presented at The Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies (CCSEAS) 2011, Asian Institute, University of Toronto, 13-15 October 2011.


54.  陈爱梅,〈霹雳州近打区百年观音庙及观音信仰调查〉,论文发表于「第二届马来西亚国际佛教研讨会」,马来亚西佛教学术研讨会(马佛研)举办,博特拉大学,2011102日。

Tan Ai Boay, “In search of Hundreds Year Guan Yin Temples and Guan Yin Believe in Kinta, the State of Perak.” Paper presented at 2nd Conference on Malaysia Buddhist Studies, UKM, 2ndOctober 2011.


55. Tan Ai Boay, “The Challenges Encountered in Studying the History of Chinese in Malaya: Diversity of Sources and Confusion in Phonetic Transcription.” Paper presented at Exploring Frontiers of Southeast Asian Area Studies, Asian Perspective, CAPAS-CSEAS 2011 Workshop for Young Scholars of Southeast Asian Area Studies, Taipei, Academia Sinica, 9-11 August, 2011.


56. Tan Ai Boay, “Linkages of Perak Chinese Capitan with Penang.” Paper presented at International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO) Conference 2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 21-22 June, 2011


57. Tan Ai Boay, “The Challenge Encountered in Studying Chinese sub-ethnic Groups in Perak, British Malaya.” Paper presented at 50th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (SEC/AAS), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, 14-16 January, 2011.


58. Tan Ai Boay, “The Chinese and the Colonial State: Preliminary Study of Chinese Participation in  the Politics of Perak in late 19th century”. Paper presented at5th Asian Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, organized by Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 5—9 July, 2010.


59. Tan Ai Boay, “Sub-ethnic Group and Chinese Religions: A Survey of Chinese temples in the Kinta Valley in the late 19th and early 20th century.” Paper presented at 21st Conference of the International Association of History of Asia (IAHA), 22-25 June 2010.


60. Tan Ai Boay,“Clan Organizations in the Name of Gods: A Preliminary Survey of Chinese Temples in Kinta Valley in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.” Paper presented at The 7th International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC7), 16th -18th March 2010.


61. 陈爱梅,〈镜盦法师传〉,发表于马来西亚汉传佛教僧侣研究国际研讨会,主办单位:马来西亚佛教青年总会、新纪元学院族群研究中心,20081011日。    

Tan Ai Boay, “Biography of Reverend Jin An.” Paper presented at International Conference of Chinese Buddhist Monk in Malaysia, organized by Young Buddhist Association Malaysia and Malaysian Centre for Ethnic Studies, New Era College, 11th August 2008.


62. 陈爱梅,〈巾帼建国──大马华人女性经济及社会贡献〉,发表于马来西亚华人的贡献与国家进展学术研讨会,马来西亚中华大会堂、华社研究中心和绿野集团联会主办,2007107日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Contributions of Chinese Women in Economy and Society”, presented at Conference on “Malaysian Chinese Contributions and National Progress”, organized by Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia, Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies and Country Heights Holdings Berhad, 7th October 2007


63. 陈爱梅,〈佛教与民间信仰──分道与交汇初探〉,发表于《粘合与张力:当代马来西亚华人的族群内关系》。新纪元学院马来西亚族群中心及隆雪华堂文教委员会联办,2007826日。

Tan Ai Boay, “Buddhist and Chinese Folk Religion – A Preliminary Study of their Harmonisation and Conflict.” Paper presented at National Seminar on Chinese Intra-ethnic Relations in Malaysia, organized by Malaysian Centre for Ethnic Studies, New era College and Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, 26th August 2007.


Tan Ai Boay, “Preliminary Survey of Hakka Dulang Washers in Perak”, paper presented at Malaysian Hakka Conference, organized by Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 26th August 2006.


计划报告Research Project


Funding in UTAR

1.主持 “Uses and Gratifications of Online China-Based Entertainment Content: A Contested Space for Malaysian Chinese Identity Consciousness, sponsored by UTARRF, 2023.1 to 2023.12.


2. 主持「马来西亚道教与华人民间信仰」(Agama Taoisme dan Agama-agama Popular Cina di Malaysia,),由霹雳州社会融合与强化局赞助,2021.12 2022.12


3. 主持「亚洲跨文化视角下的马来亚第一代南来佛门人物群像」(First Generation Buddhists in British Malaya: A Transnational History),由蒋经国国际学术交流基金会赞助,2020.7 2022.6


4. 主持  “The 1918 Influenza Pandemic in British Malaya”, sponsored by UTARRF, 2021.7 2022.6


5. 主持「马来西亚华人民间信仰」(The Study of Chinese Folk Religions in Malaysia,),Sing Heng Plastic Ware Sdn Bhd 赞助,2019.1 2021.12


6. 主持 “The Controlling of Chinese Religions in Straits Settlements before World War Two”, sponsored by UTARRF, 2019.6 to 2020.5.


7. 主持「槟城嘉应会馆整理神主牌计划」The Compiling of Ancestral Tablets in Kar Yin Fee Kon, Penang),槟城嘉应会馆赞助,2019.12020.12.


8. 主持「巴里文打和拿督公信仰研究」(The Studies of Parit Buntar and Datoh Gong Belief ),Sing Heng Palsic Ware Sdn Bhd 赞助,2018.3 2022.3


9. 主持「霹雳岩洞庙宇史录和传说」(Historical Records and Legends of the Cave Temples in Ipoh) ,由霹雳非伊斯兰事务局赞助。


10. 主持“The Distribution Pattern of the Chinese Temples in Perak Beofre World War Two”, sponsored by UTARRF,(2017.6 to 2018.5).


11. 主持「二战前霹雳怡保岩洞庙宇研究」,由霹雳非伊斯兰事务局赞助,(2016-10 2017-9)


12. 主持「霹雳怡保岩洞庙宇调查」(The Survey of the Cave Temples in Ipoh),由霹雳非伊斯兰事务局赞助,2016.5 2016.11.


13. 主持“British Subject, Sultan Subject or Chinese Subject? Chinese Citizenship in British Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak before World War Two”, sponsored by UTARRF2016.7 to 2017.6.


14. 主持「福建历代高僧评传之马来西亚弘法镜盦)」,八打灵观音亭赞助,福建省开元佛教文化研究所执行,(2014.7—2015.6


15. 主持 “From the Coastal Areas of South China to the Fishing Village of Penang: A Study of the Hailufeng in Gertak Sanggul”, sponsored by UTARRF, 2014.7 to 2015.6.


Funding Not in UTAR


1. 参与「中华文化在马来西亚的传播」,中国:中央社会·主义学院,总主持人:宋燕鹏,(2019.8 至2020-12)

2. 参与「马来西亚广东华侨移民史」计划,广东:广东省社科基金赞助,总主持人:宋燕鹏,(2017-1 至2019-12)

3. 参与「在文明的交汇处—婆罗州的社会文化变迁」计划,北京:北京外国语大学赞助,总主持人:康敏,(2015.1至2018.12)

4. 主持“Memories of Japanese Occupation in a Chinese Fishing Village: A Case Study of Gertak Sanggul in Penang, Malaysia”, sponsored by Sumitomo Foundation,(2015.3 —2016.3)

5. 参与「苗栗园区海外研究──东南亚客家研究先期计划」,由台湾行政院客家委员会客家文化研究心中筹备处赞助,中研院亚太区域专题中心执行。总主持人:中央研究院萧新煌教授,(2008.8至2009.10)




1. 2019年,孔子新汉学计划,理解中国(来华访问学者)

Confucius China Studies ProgramCCSP), “Understanding China” Fellowship Visiting Scholar to China


2. UTAR Teaching Excellence Award 2018


3. 2011, 中央研究院研亚太区域研究专题中心,博士侯选人培育计划

Academia Sinica, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Ph. D Candidate Fellowship


4. 2010, Asian Graduate Student Fellowships, National University Singapore


5. 2008—2011, University Malaya Postgraduate Student Fellowship




A: Editing

陈爱梅(主编),《槟城头条路斗母宫九皇大帝庆祝成立105年暨理事会50周年金禧纪念特刊》。   槟城:头条路斗母宫,2008年。

One of the editors of Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies in Volume 8, 9, 10 and 11. (2006 –2009)

One of the editors of Centre of Malaysian Chinese Studies(CMCS) Bulletin. (2007—2009)


B: Non Academic Articles (Selected)


1. 陈爱梅,〈数一数,怡保岩洞佛寺〉,《普门》,第251期,20211月,第5255页。

2. 陈爱梅,〈勇敢的国民〉《东方日报》,2020225日。

3. 陈爱梅,〈又是衣著惹的祸?〉《东方日报》,2020225日。 

4. 陈爱梅,〈巴里文打拿督公庙神诞的潮剧〉《光华日报》,201816日。

5. 陈爱梅,〈为何填海计划非进行不可?〉《光华日报》,2018516日。

6. 陈爱梅,〈寻找海陆丰〉《普门》225期,201811月,第7479页。

7. 陈爱梅,〈槟城填岛和居住正义〉《星洲日报》,2016315, 29页。

8. 陈爱梅,〈马来西亚华人看马来乡村社会的中国人视角〉《闽南日报》,2017227 ,6页。

9. 陈爱梅,〈镜盦长老一代慈悲王与时代意义〉《慈悲》,201712, 415页。

10. 陈爱梅,〈除夕买树豆〉《星洲日报》,2016223, 副刊10页。

11. 陈爱梅,〈居民对槟州人造岛计划的担忧〉《光华日报》,20151218日。

12. 陈爱梅,〈归去来兮〉《星洲日报》,2015317, 副刊10页。

13. 张集强,陈爱梅,〈太平:生死锡矿〉《华夏地理》,104期,20142,第5859页。(ISSN: 1673-6974)

14. 陈爱梅,谢志明,〈怡保从锡米到咖啡〉《华夏地理》,第104期,20142月,第6667页。(ISSN: 1673-6974)

15. 陈爱梅,〈吉隆坡:从侨民到公民〉《华夏地理》,第104期,20142月,第7273页。(ISSN: 1673-6974)

16.陈爱梅, 〈素食与肉边菜〉《槟城头条路斗母宫九皇大帝庆祝成立105年暨理事会50周年金禧纪念特刊》。   槟城:头条路斗母宫,2008。第97100页。ISBN:9789834424503

“Strict Vegetarian and Liberal Vegetarian”, in Magazine of the Tow Boe Keong KewOng Tai   Tay (Magazine Road) 105 Anniversary of Temple & 50th Golden Anniversary of the Temple Committee. Penang: Tow Boew Keong Kew Ong Tai Tay, 2008. pp. 97-100.

17. 陈爱梅,〈槟州2008年大选的再转变〉《华研通讯》,第三期,2008年,第1116页。  

“Transformation of Penang Political Arena in 2008 Election”, in CMCS Bulletin, No. 3. 2008, pp. 11- 16.

18. 陈爱梅,〈槟城九皇庆典行与思〉《华研通讯》,第二期,2007年,第2325页。

“Nine Emperor Gods Celebration in Penang”, in CMCS Bulletin, No. 2,2007, pp. 23-25.

19. 陈爱梅,〈历史的视角空间〉《华研通讯》,第一期,2007年,第2021页。

“Space of Historical Perspectives” in CMCS Bulletin, No. 1, 2007, pp. 20-21.

20. 陈爱梅,〈华教,民族广面的普及;历史研究,民族深度的表现〉《乘风破浪济沧海:华社研究中心二十周年1985-2005纪念特刊》,吉隆坡:华社研究中心,2005年,第162166页。

“Chinese Education System is an Instrument for Lateral Development, while the Study of History is a Demonstration of Profundity “in Riding the Winds and Waves, Bridging the Deep Blue Seas: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies 20th Anniversary 1985-2005 Commemorative Publication, Kuala Lumpur: CMCS, 2005, pp. 162-166.


C: Newspapers Columnist

1. Sin Chew Daily, Literary Supplement, 20th August 2006 to 29 November 2006.《星洲日报》副刊,2006年8月20日至11月29日。


2. Kwong Hwa Yit Poh, Opinion, 8th December 2006 to 21st October 2008.《光华日报》社论,2006年12月8日至2008年10月21日。